Data Security and Cyber Liability Issues for Not-For-Profits

OL910  |  On Demand Course  |  Update  |  Self-Study


Cybersecurity threats are escalating worldwide, causing considerable concern for CPAs and their clients. The U.S. has abundant resources attractive to cyber-criminals. Comparatively speaking, CPA firms and their charitable organization clients fall at opposite ends of the cybersecurity risk spectrum. CPA firms typically do not possess liquid capital exploitable by hackers but are a treasure trove of financial and personal data hackers would wish to exploit for ID theft; blackmail; and insurance, tax, and other types of fraud. Not-for-profits fall on the other end of that spectrum — often possessing greater liquid capital, weaker internal control, and considerably less data commonly exploited by hackers.

CPA firms and not-for-profit clients typically do not have the internal resources to recover from breaches without help from external experts. While data security tools to protect against or stop cyber-attacks have become more sophisticated, hackers are constantly recycling, refining, and updating old exploits and inventing new types of attacks, remaining one or more steps ahead of discovery. 
Attendees will acquire a greater awareness about cybersecurity best practices and recognition of trending cyber-threats.
This high-level, fast-moving presentation will cover topics such as:

  • Common data security risks, threats, and breaches 
  • Cybersecurity best practices pre- and post-breach
  • Recommended cybersecurity policies and procedures 
  • Cyber insurance fundamentals
  • "Claim chronicles" from CAMICO's cyber claims files

This course is part of the 2023 Not-for-Profit Conference Bundle. Purchase the conference bundle here.


Number of Credits Type of Credits
1.00 Information Technology


Member (Early Bird)
Non-Member (Early Bird)
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