Become a Student Member
In addition to becoming a student member of the Tennessee Society of CPAs, you will automatically receive the added benefit of a free AICPA Student Affiliate membership. The American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) is the world's largest member association representing the accounting profession, with more than 412,000 members in 144 countries, and a history of serving the public interest since 1887. Plus, they're the ones who develop and grade the CPA Exam.

Joint TSCPA/AICPA student membership gives you the combined benefits of both organizations dedicated to serving you and the CPA profession.
- Local network - Connect with fellow CPA hopefuls as well as area professionals eager to help you succeed.
- Student programming - Attend local events and activities that are designed to inspire and inform your pursuit of those three precious letters: CPA.
- Resume Bank - Get your resume in front of recruiters! The TSCPA Resume Bank is only available to members (including student members!)
- National support - Stay relevant with the industry news that accounting professionals rely on, and get exclusive access to programs and discounts on products and services.
Future CPA Handbook - Find information about firms across the state including their specialties, size, exam support and more. The guide also provides CPA exam and license information, along with other resources to support you on your journey to becoming a CPA. Access the digital guide HERE >
Upcoming Student Events
April 17 - Mock CPA Exam presented by Surgent CPA Review - Register today
April 22 - Nashville Chapter Future CPA Night - Register today
April 30 - Student Influencer application deadline - Apply here
June 1 - Scholarship application deadline - Apply here
Aug. 4-5 - Future CPA Leadership Summit*
Sept. 11 - Mock CPA Exam presented by Surgent CPA Review*
Nov. 14 - Mock CPA Exam presented by Surgent CPA Review*
*Check back later for more information on how to register.
Scholarship applications for the 2025-26 academic school year are now being accepted! The deadline to apply is June 1 at 11:59 p.m. Central.
The generosity of TSCPA members allows the Educational & Memorial Foundation of TSCPA to award more than $250,000 in scholarships annually.
- U.S. Citizen or permanent resident
- Member of TSCPA (student membership is free- join now)
- Resident of Tennessee or attending a Tennessee college or university
- Completed at least 3 semester hours (or equivalent) in accounting by end of spring 2025.
- Majoring in accounting, finance or related field and planning to obtain their CPA designation
- Attending college during the 2025-26 school year
- Must have TWO completed letters of recommendation, one from an accounting professor from the university you are attending.
2024 Scholarship Recipients are listed HERE>
In addition to the general scholarship fund, several named scholarships have been established by TSCPA members and chapters.
- CALVIN & JEAN KING FOUNDATION AWARDS: 4 awards to full-time students entering their junior year in the fall with emphasis being financial need.
- NASHVILLE VISION AWARD: 1 award to a full-time student entering their junior year in the fall, be from the Nashville Chapter area, demonstrates real financial need, and be of ethnic minority. Annually awarded with the option to reapply each year until completing the first year of graduate school.
- R. MICHAEL CAIN AWARD: 1 award to a student aspiring to become a CPA, with a particular emphasis on academic achievement, leadership characteristics and financial need.
- DELOITTE AWARD: 1 award to a top accounting student with financial need, attending Fisk University, Lane College, Lemoyne-Owen College or Tennessee State University.
- B. BRADFORD FLOYD AWARD: 1 award to the most deserving student who is aspiring to become a CPA. This student will be identified using all criteria evaluated by the selection committee.
- B. BRADFORD FLOYD LEGACY AWARD: 1 award to a student who has obtained their undergraduate degree and is pursuing a graduate degree or other course of study to complete the CPA Exam 150-hour requirement.
- BERNIE D. GOLDSTEIN AWARD: 1 award to a non-traditional or minority student majoring in accounting who attend a college or university in the Middle Tennessee area.
- WARD D. HARDER AWARD: 1 award to the most deserving student who is aspiring to become a CPA and is from Bedford, Coffee, Franklin, Lincoln, Marshall, or Moore County. Student can attend a school outside of the county. This student will be identified using all criteria evaluated by the selection committee.
- CALVIN A. KING AWARD: 1 award to a student with a special emphasis on the student’s leadership characteristics, academic achievement and financial need.
- ROBERT W. KNAPP AWARD: 1 award to the top accounting student attending a Shelby County university (Christian Brothers University, LeMoyne-Owen College, Rhodes College, Southwest TN Community College, University of Memphis).
- DAVID K. MORGAN AWARD: 1 award to a full-time student attending Tennessee Technological University and who intends to sit for the CPA exam with special consideration given to students residing in Davidson or Williamson County.
- DEBBIE NEWELL AWARD: 1 award to a student attending Union University unless no Union University student qualifies. Must be an accounting major and have completed Intermediate I at a 4-year college with a B or higher or a graduate student enrolled in an MBA or MAcc program with an undergraduate major in accounting or equivalent. Same student can only receive the award twice unless no other Union student qualifies in year three. Must have a 3.25 overall GPA and, separately, in accounting courses.
- MAXIE O. PATTON AWARD: 1 award to the top accounting student attending Tennessee Tech University.
- IMOGENE A. POSEY AWARD - 1 award to an accounting student attending a college or university in the state of Tennessee who will be a junior, a senior or a graduate student, with emphasis on the student’s leadership accomplishments in campus and/or community activities.
- WILL J. PUGH, SR. AWARD: 1 award to a top accounting student at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville who demonstrates those outstanding leadership qualities exemplified by Mr. Pugh.
- PAUL ROYSTON AWARD: 1 award to the top accounting student in the state who is a senior. Normally this student has high accounting hours.
- GEOFFREY & DEBRA STEWART AWARD: 1 award to a first-generation college student who is serving or has served in the U.S. military or who has a parent or sibling who is serving or has served in the military.
- BRUCE D. SULLIVAN AWARD: 1 award to a full-time student majoring in accounting who intends to sit for the Uniform CPA Examination. The recipient should demonstrate financial need, leadership qualities, involvement in community service and academic achievement.
- PAULA B. THOMAS AWARD: 1 award to a Middle Tennessee State University student who is deemed by the committee to have the greatest academic achievement.
- RICHARD L. TOWNSEND AWARD: 1 award to a University of Tennessee, Knoxville student who is deemed by the committee to be the top student entering the Master’s of Accountancy program.
- ROBERT V. WHISENANT AWARDS: 2 awards annually to the top undergraduate accounting students at Belmont University.
- CHATTANOOGA CHAPTER AWARD: 1 award to a student residing in the Chattanooga Chapter area. Student can be attending a school outside the Chattanooga area.
- NASHVILLE CHAPTER AWARD: 1 award to a student residing in the Nashville Chapter area. Student can be attending a school outside the Nashville area.
- MEMPHIS CHAPTER AWARD: 1 award to a student residing in the Memphis Chapter area and attending a Memphis Chapter area university (Christian Brothers University, LeMoyne-Owen College, Rhodes College, Southwest TN Community College, University of Memphis).
- WEST TENNESSEE CHAPTER AWARD: 1 award to a student attending a West Tennessee Chapter area university (Bethel College, Freed-Hardeman University, Jackson State Community College, Lane University, Union University, University of Tennessee at Martin).
- GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS FROM THE EDUCATIONAL & MEMORIAL FOUNDATION OF TSCPA: Multiple awards for top accounting students based on academic achievement, leadership and financial need. Awards as determined by the committee.
Other Scholarship Opportunities
American Accounting Association (AAA): 941/921-7747
Fellowship program in accounting for doctoral studies for teaching in colleges and universities. Arthur H. Carter Scholarship. Undergraduate accounting scholarship.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA): 212/596-6223 (minority scholarships, fellowships); 212/596-6221 (doctoral fellowships, Carey scholarships). Scholarships for minority accounting students. Fellowships for minority doctoral students. John L. Carey Scholarships.
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners: 512/478-9070
Various scholarship opportunities.
The Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting: 610/407-9229
Laurels Fund: One-year academic scholarship for women who are pursuing advanced degrees in accounting. Women in Transition Scholarship. Additional undergraduate scholarship awards.
National Association of Black Accountants (NABA): 301/474-NABA
Graduate and undergraduate minority scholarships.
National Society of Accountants (NSA): 703/549-6400 or 1-800/966-6679
Undergraduate scholarships.
2024 TSCPA Educational & Memorial Foundation Scholarship Recipients:
Salsal Alnuaimi of Smyrna - Middle Tennessee State University
Victoria Bain of Crossville - Tennessee Technological University
Rylee Baker of Spring Hill - Freed-Hardeman University
Anne Baldwin of Cunningham - Austin Peay State University
Reese Biggs of Greenfield - University of Tennessee at Martin
Bonnie Bradley of Sparta - Tennessee Technological University
Julia Brown of Johnson City - East Tennessee State University
👑Leo Brown of Memphis - University of Memphis recipient of the Calvin & Jean King Foundation Award
Taylor Brown of Vonore - Middle Tennessee State University
🏆Audrey Burks of Murfreesboro - Middle Tennessee State University recipient of the Paula B. Thomas Award
Katherine Burleson of Nashville - Lipscomb University
🏆 Bryce Cagle of Medon - Union University recipient of the B. Bradford Floyd Award
🏆 Mia Campbell of Brentwood - Tennessee Technological University recipient of the David K. Morgan Award
Carmen Chandler of Johnson City - East Tennessee State University
🏆 Sam Chappin of Murfreesboro - Lipscomb University recipient of the Nashville Chapter Award
Nuam Sawm Cing of Nashville - Tennessee State University
Isabella Coleman of Englewood - Lipscomb University
Makenzie Cope of Byrdstown - Tennessee Technological University
Kaley Crabtree of Cookeville - Tennessee Technological University
🏆 Lily Cross of Robbins - Tennessee Technological University recipient of the Maxie O. Patton Award
Caleb Davaloz of Chattanooga - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
👑 Leslie Davis of Alexandria - Cumberland University recipient of the Calvin & Jean King Foundation Award
👑 Abigail Dawson of Bartlett - Union University recipient of the Calvin & Jean King Foundation Award
🏆 Sophie Dawson of Kingsport - Union University recipient of the Debbie Newell Award
Cecilia Deaton of Memphis - University of Memphis
Kyle DiCambio of Monterey - Tennessee Technological University
Anna DiCugno of Lake Tapps - King University
Michella Diebenow of Thompson's Station - Belmont University
Ashlyn Dulaney of Telford - Austin Peay State University
🏆 Taylor Dunagan of Paris - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga recipient of the Paul Royston Award
Ariana Durham of Indianapolis - Tennessee State University
David Evans of Johnson City - Tusculum University
Kinley Feger of Burns - Trevecca Nazarene University
Nathaniel Fisher of Jamestown - Tennessee Technological University
Samuel Fisher of Nashville - Belmont University
Colby Freeman of Greeneville - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
👑 Heather Gaffney of Wildersville - University of Tennessee, Knoxville recipient of the Calvin & Jean King Foundation Award
Madison Goble of Chattanooga - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Mackenzie Goodwin of Erin - University of Tennessee at Martin
Victoria Grippi of Columbia - Middle Tennessee State University
Daniel Grooms of Cookeville - Freed-Hardeman University
Mahir Guron of Cordova - Rhodes College
Lucas Hayden of Cordova - Christian Brothers University
Harry Heinz of Bartlett - University of Memphis
Maddison Helms of Manchester - Motlow State Community College
Garrett Herndon of Hazel - Freed-Hardeman University
Adam Hesselbacher of Pleasant View - Freed-Hardeman University
Lindsey Hollis of Signal Mountain - Wofford College
Tyler Holt of La Vergne - Cumberland University
Lindsey Hood of Murfreesboro - Middle Tennessee State University
Koryn Howard of Cookeville - Tennessee Technological University
Jordan Hughes of Rogersville - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Evan Hurd of Bristol - East Tennessee State University
🏆 Mary Husmann of Franklin - Belmont University recipient of the Robert V. Whisenant Award
🏆 Rumi Inoue of Clarksville - Middle Tennessee State University recipient of the Nashville Vision Award
🏆 Emma James of Germantown - University of Memphis recipient of the Memphis Chapter Award
Cole Jeffries of Thompson's Station - Tennessee Technological University
Johnson Jobe of Smyrna - Lipscomb University
Carter Kelly of Signal Mountain - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Ava Kelton of Brentwood - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Blake Kerperien of Murfreesboro - Middle Tennessee State University
Emma Kimbrough of Hendersonville - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Tyler Kindberg of Cleveland - Lee University
Morgan Landry of Arlington - University of Memphis
🏆 Kara Lane of Murfreesboro - Freed-Hardeman University recipient of the Bruce D. Sullivan Award
Nguyen Le of Bon Aqua - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Jacob Levy of Franklin - Columbia State Community College
🏆 Jeffrey Li of Lakeland - Christian Brothers University recipient of the R. Michael Cain Award
Ainsley Long of Springfield - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Kexin Ma of Mount Juliet - Middle Tennessee State University
BreAnna MacDougall of Nolensville - Middle Tennessee State University
Lauren Macy of Chattanooga - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Sierra Malone of Telford - East Tennessee State University
Evan Mann of Blountville - East Tennessee State University
🏆 MarKayla Marion of Holly Springs - Tennessee State University recipient of the Deloitte Award
Benjamin Martin of Murfreesboro - Middle Tennessee State University
Michelle McClellan of Alamo - University of Memphis
🏆 Elizabeth McKeeby of Franklin - Freed-Hardeman University recipient of the West Tennessee Chapter Award
Megan Merritt of White House - Trevecca Nazarene University
Addison Miller of Nashville - Belmont University
Frankie Nunley of West Memphis - University of Memphis
Kyle Olver of Dowelltown - Middle Tennessee State University
🏆 Dev Patel of Cookeville - Tennessee Technological University recipient of the Bernie D. Goldstein Award
Ayinel Patterson of Collegedale - Southern Adventist University
🏆 Natalie Pester of Chattanooga - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga recipient of the Chattanooga Chapter Award
🏆 Bonnie Phillips of Knoxville - University of Tennessee, Knoxville recipient of the Will J. Pugh, Sr. Award
Andrew Prescott of Apison - East Tennessee State University
Emma Presley of Jackson - Union University
🏆 Andie Priest of Memphis - Rhodes College recipient of the Robert W. Knapp Award
Rosalia Rausch of Murfreesboro - Middle Tennessee State University
Alicia Reeves of Knoxville - Carson-Newman University
Lasandra Rice of Clarksville - Austin Peay State University
Ian Robbins of Franklin - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
🏆 Sierra Rouyea of Brighton - University of Memphis recipient of the Calvin A. King Award
Joshua Russell of Germantown - Union University
Skye Russell of Jefferson City - Carson-Newman University
Margret Salem of Murfreesboro - Tennessee State University
🏆 Carmen Schmittou of Franklin - Lipscomb University recipient of the Imogene A. Posey Award
🏆 Carter Schrum of Jackson - Union University recipient of the B. Bradford Floyd Legacy Award
Meredith Sedberry of Brentwood - Lipscomb University
Rowan Shackelford of Cordova - Christian Brothers University
🏆 Benjamin Smith of Kelso - Middle Tennessee State University recipient of the Ward D. Harder Award
Madison Smith of Nashville - Belmont University
Tyler Stewart of Nashville - Middle Tennessee State University
Claire Strachan of Nolensville - Tennessee Technological University
Justin Straus of Knoxville - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
🏆 Sadie Stroud of Cookeville - University of Tennessee, Knoxville recipient of the Richard L. Townsend Award
David Taylor of Chattanooga - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Abigail Teamer of Memphis - University of Memphis
Mandy Tran of Hendersonville - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
🏆 Nicola van der Merwe of Chattanooga - Belmont University recipient of the Robert V. Whisenant Award
Jared Vetetoe of Gallatin - Middle Tennessee State University
Dylan Wagner of Church Hill - East Tennessee State University
Abigail Wandell of Spring Hill - Union University
Yangfen Wang of Murfreesboro - Middle Tennessee State University
Karis Weaver of Murfreesboro - Middle Tennessee State University
👑 Zody Weldon of Kingsport - East Tennessee State University recipient of the Calvin & Jean King Foundation Award
Townes Wilkinson of Collierville - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Logan Williams of Springville - University of Memphis
Martwain Williams of Memphis - University of Memphis
Jalen Wirtz of Gallatin - Middle Tennessee State University
Foster Wood of Signal Mountain - Rhodes College
Ashley Wooden of South Pittsburg - Cumberland University
Teoria Woods of Lebanon - Cumberland University
Kayla Woody of Santa Fe - Austin Peay State University
Kirsten Wright of Cookeville - Tennessee Technological University
Vivian Wright of Gallatin - Cumberland University
Richard Xec-Cuyuch of Nashville - Lipscomb University
TSCPA Student Influencers
Applications for the 2025-26 academic school year are now being accepted! The deadline to apply is April 30 at 11:59 p.m. Central.
TSCPA's Student Influencers work closely with staff and volunteer leadership to promote the CPA profession and student membership on their campus. Click HERE to learn more about Student Influencer responsibilities.
The following students have been selected as TSCPA Student Influencers for the 2024-25 school year:
Jeaneva Bautista, Southern Adventist University
Abby Browning, Lee University
Carmen Chandler, East Tennessee State University
Sam Chappin, Lipscomb University
Sophie Dawson, Union University
Anna DiCugno, King University
Taylor Dunagan, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Ariana Durham, Tennessee State University
Austin Felts, Cumberland University
Mary Husmann, Belmont University
Whitney Joseph, Austin Peay State University
Lexi Lamantia, Tennessee Technological University
Elizabeth McKeeby, Freed-Hardeman University
Megan Merritt, Trevecca Nazarene University
Leslie Osborne, Carson-Newman University
Christopher Ramos, Middle Tennessee State University
Sadie Mae Stroud, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Want to know more about the Student Influencer program? Contact Megan Williams at or 615-377-3825.