After the Exam

Congratulations on passing the CPA exam! You have completed one of the final steps of joining one of today's most highly regarded and rewarding professions.

TSCPA is pleased that you are part of our dynamic professional organization that represents approximately 10,000 CPAs in industry, government, education and public accounting.

Questions? Please email us or call the Society office at 615-377-3825.

What’s Next?

Now that you've conquered the CPA exam, what's next on your to-do list?

Take the Ethics Exam and Meet the Experience Requirement

Order the Professional Ethics Exam - Successful completion of this exam is required by the Tennessee State Board of Accountancy prior to issuance of a Tennessee CPA Certificate. You can purchase the exam through TSCPA.

Make sure you have satisfied the experience requirement. Questions about what qualifies? Contact the Tennessee State Board of Accountancy.

Apply for Your CPA License

The Tennessee State Board of Accountancy is notified when a candidate has met the education requirements and passed the Uniform CPA Examination.  The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) transmits to the Board your candidate file containing CPA exam grades and education transcripts. Click here to view a list of candidate files received by the Board.

After meeting all requirements and having confirmed the Board's receipt of your candidate file, you may apply for a Tennessee CPA license. You will be asked to upload your Ethics Exam Certificate and Work Experience Form with the online application.



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Update Your Member Profile

Take a moment to make sure your contact information is up to date on your member profile. Note: To access the member profile update page, new TSCPA members must log in using your last name as your username and your TSCPA member number as your password. If you were a TSCPA member prior to becoming a successful candidate, please log in using your existing TSCPA account information.

Credit Relief Initiative

In response to significant health, economic, education, and travel disruptions resulting in CPA Examination candidate hardships, the Tennessee State Board of Accountancy will consider individual candidate requests to extend credit periods through June 30, 2025, for CPA Examination credits that expired from January 30, 2020 through May 11, 2023, which have not been subsequently replaced by new credits for the same sections.

If you have lost one or more CPA Exam credits during this time period you may request an extension of time for the lost credit(s). Please complete this form to submit your request, including a description of the circumstances that led to the lost credit(s). The form can be submitted to our office via email at 

Individuals approved for relief under this initiative can expect their records to be updated by the end of January 2024. If you have already retaken and passed the lost section(s), there is no action to be taken. Please contact the Board with questions about the Credit Relief Initiative at or 615-741-2550.




Society Resources

TSCPA Chapters

See what's happening in your area and plan to attend a local event.


View the TSCPA career center and classified ads, or add your resume to our searchable resume bank for free!


Keep your skills sharp and stay informed of the latest developments in the profession with TSCPA's catalog of nearly 300 high-quality CPE seminars, conferences, online learning and self-study programs.

TSCPA Social Media

Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram and join the conversation today!

Still have questions?

Give us a call at 615/377-3825 or email us.