Nano Learning: Creating Better Budgets: How Budgets Affect Actions

N-169  |  On Demand Course  |  Intermediate  |  Self-Study


Key reasons to provide any financial information are to reinforce or change behavior.Budgets can have profound effects on the individuals in organizations.This nano course will explore some ways budgets affect behaviors.


Number of Credits Type of Credits
0.20 Business Management & Organization


Recognize the ways budgets affect behavior.


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John Levy, MBA, CPA

John F. Levy, MBA, CPA, is the CEO of Board Advisory, a firm that assists public companies, or companies aspiring to be public, with corporate governance, compliance, financial reporting and financial strategies. He has nine years of experience with three large public accounting firms and served as CFO of both public and private companies. John currently is on the boards of three public companies and three non-profits, serving as Chairman of one company and audit committee chair of another. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business.

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