Webinar: 2024 Advanced Excel: Hidden Secrets and Gems

WB322  |  Course  |  Intermediate  |  Scheduled


This course dives into the powerful, but potentially under-utilized, capabilities of Microsoft Excel. Designed for sophisticated users willing to app


Number of Credits Type of Credits
2.00 Computer Software & Applications

Designed For

Practitioners, members in industry and other accounting professionals seeking an advanced understanding of Microsoft Excel


A high level of proficiency with Microsoft Excel


Awareness of advanced functions

Creative methods for data manipulation
Real-life examples of innovative ways to analyze and report data with Excel
Using Excel to perform e-mail merges
Many other functions and techniques that inspire you to continue exploring the depths of Excel and its seemingly bottomless toolbox 


Evaluate lesser-known but powerful Excel functions

Categorize your level of intellectual curiosity as you unearth ways to utilize Excel in manners you may not have previously considered
Assess your mindset of professional skepticism that helps you explore the edges of Excel's capabilities




This webcast is provided by ACPEN. After registering for the course, you will receive an email from ACPEN with instructions for logging in to the webcast and obtaining your eMaterials.


Member (Early Bird)
Non-Member (Early Bird)
Your Price: $109.00

This is your base price and does not reflect any additional session fees, optional add-ons, or guest registrations.

Members log in and save $30.00 on this event. Not a member? join today.