Webinar: Speaking For Impact

WB3658  |  Course  |  Basic  |  Scheduled


In this course, you'll learn why being able to do public speaking well is a major advantage in becoming successful in your career. You'll learn how t


Number of Credits Type of Credits
3.00 Communications & Marketing
1.00 Personal Development

Designed For

This course is designed for all busniess professionals




Overcoming the Common Obstacles to Public Speaking

Fear of rejection/ failure and how to overcome
From Unconscious Incompetence to Unconscious Competence
Toastmasters and practicing by video
Act "As If,"
Do One Breath Technique to be more relaxed

Creating the Content of the Talk

What are the concerns of your audience?
Talks consist of a title, an introduction, an opening, a body of content, a conclusion and a closing

How to Deliver a Talk Effectively

The clothes you wear and how you look matter
Charisma = energy
Smile and act enthusiastic
Use self deprecating humor

Making the Talk Entertaining

Vary the speed of your delivery
The Power of stories

Memorization and Practice

Key word system and note cards
Practice thru video or get feedback through others

Creating Stories that Rock


Know why pubic speaking is important

Know how to write a speech that informs and entertains
Know how to present a speech in a way that wows your audience
Know how to use this ability to rapidly expand your career




This webcast is provided by ACPEN. After registering for the course, you will receive an email from ACPEN with instructions for logging in to the webcast and obtaining your eMaterials.


Member (Early Bird)
Non-Member (Early Bird)
Registration for this event has closed. If you have any question or concerns please give us a call at 615-377-3825 or send us an e-mail at registrar@tscpa.com