Webinar: Retirement Planning: Next Stage for You or Your Client

WC1467  |  Course  |  Basic  |  Scheduled


If you or your clients are facing that stage of life where careers are passing into the background, and a new "to be determined" life is emerging, the


Number of Credits Type of Credits
2.00 Specialized Knowledge

Designed For

A professional considering, planning or engaged in retirement for oneself or for one's clients




The major topics covered in this class include:

  • Welcome to Your Next Stage -- Developing a new perspective on what this next stage is really all about
  • It's About Time -- Discovering a new sense of purpose
  • Money Matters -- Assessing your financial conditions
  • Relationships Matter Too -- Addressing needed or potential changes in your relationships
  • Healthy Habits -- Examining new or renewed ways to stay healthy
  • Who I Am -- Creating a new identity, and answering "So what do you do?"
  • My Master Plan -- Figuring out what to do next


After attending this program you will be able to...

  • Recognize a healthy and holistic understanding of this new stage of life.
  • Recognize new sense of direction and purpose for your life.
  • Recall what needs to change or remain regarding your financial conditions, relationships and healthy habits.
  • Recognize a new way to describe yourself and your identity.
  • Develop a Master Plan for being successful in this new stage of your life.
  • Recall a few key ideas that you can do now which will prepare yourself for this stage later.




Webinar Day - HELP and Assistance Instructions

  1. The session will open 30 minutes prior to the start time. At that time, you will receive a reminder email bringing you to your Attendee Dashboard and a link to join the webinar.
  2. We recommend you log in early to ensure you are ready to go when the presentation begins.
  3. IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE LOGGING INTO THE WEBINAR, please call the CPA Crossings Customer Service Team at (877)-370-2220 Ext. #1.


Member (Early Bird)
Non-Member (Early Bird)
Registration for this event has closed. If you have any question or concerns please give us a call at 615-377-3825 or send us an e-mail at registrar@tscpa.com