Webinar: A Review of the Uniform Guidance Requirements

WC2603  |  Course  |  Basic  |  Scheduled


The Uniform Guidance present unique challenges to auditors of governmental organizations and not-for profit organizations receiving federal financial


Number of Credits Type of Credits
2.00 Auditing (Governmental)

Designed For

Anyone who is involved in Single Audits.




The major topics that will be covered in this class include:

  • Key auditor requirements in a Single Audit
  • Enhanced required reporting requirement in Single Audit related to internal control and compliance
  • Clarifications and examples of how to properly determine major federal programs
  • Key definitions related to Single Audit
  • Other important matters contained in the Uniform Guidance


After attending this presentation you will be able to:

  • Identify when an entity is subject to the Single Audit requirements
  • Identify reporting requirements related to Single Audits
  • Recall core concepts fundamental in a Single Audit related to federal financial assistance and low risk auditees
  • Recognize the importance of major program determination and how to properly select major programs
  • Recall significant requirements of the Uniform Guidance




Webinar Day - HELP and Assistance Instructions

  1. The session will open 30 minutes prior to the start time. At that time, you will receive a reminder email bringing you to your Attendee Dashboard and a link to join the webinar.
  2. We recommend you log in early to ensure you are ready to go when the presentation begins.
  3. IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE LOGGING INTO THE WEBINAR, please call the CPA Crossings Customer Service Team at (877)-370-2220 Ext. #1.


Member (Early Bird)
Non-Member (Early Bird)
Your Price: $89.00

This is your base price and does not reflect any additional session fees, optional add-ons, or guest registrations.