Webinar: Getting Ready for Busy Season: Key Changes Every Tax PractitionerShould Know

WS722  |  Course  |  Intermediate  |  Scheduled


Getting ready for busy season involves not only knowing what's new for the current year, but also understanding how the changing limits, phaseouts and


Number of Credits Type of Credits
4.00 Taxes

Designed For

Any tax practitioner preparing or reviewing individual income tax returns for the current tax year


Basic familiarity with tax rules relating to individual and pass-through entity taxation for the current tax year


  • Timely coverage of breaking tax legislation
  • A tour of the most recent changes starting from gross income and ending with alternative minimum tax (AMT) and selected credits including the latest IRS guidance on recent tax legislation
  • Hot, hidden, or miscellaneous developments affecting the upcoming tax season
  • Review of new laws and changes in old forms to provide a familiarity for the upcoming tax season
  • Key new tax and practice developments and how they impact the current-year tax forms for individuals


  • Understand which income tax returns and schedules have changed for individuals and pass-through entities
  • Identify the legislative, administrative, and judicial developments that affect the income tax returns and schedules of individuals and pass-through entities




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Non-Member (Early Bird)
Your Price: $159.00

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