Live Stream: What Tax Practitioners Need to Know About Medicare

304  |  Livestream  |  Basic  |  Scheduled


Tax advisors often receive questions concerning all facets of Medicare. How does Medicare work? How do I apply? How much does it cost? Is Medicare optional or required? This program provides a basic introduction to the Medicare program and covers many of the areas of the Medicare program that clients are most interested in. If you, or some of your clients, have questions relating to Medicare, this program is a must for you.


Number of Credits Type of Credits
2.00 Taxes
1.67 CLE

Designed For

Tax practitioners who currently advise or who anticipate advising clients with respect to Medicare enrollment and/or Medicare coverage issues


An understanding of the tax rules relating to individual income tax


  • Eligibility for Medicare
  • How to apply for Medicare
  • Introduction to Parts A, B, C and D of Medicare
  • Payments for Parts B and D of Medicare: the higher costs imposed on higher income beneficiaries
  • Late enrollment penalties
  • Medicare Advantage in lieu of original Medicare
  • The Affordable Care Act's impact on Medicare
  • Legislative and regulatory developments


  • Understand who is eligible for Medicare
  • Determine whether an individual will have to pay a surtax for Medicare Part B and Part D coverage
  • Ascertain whether private or spousal insurance options are preferable to Medicare


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Non-Member (Early Bird)
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John M. Kilroy

John Kilroy is a managing member of iValue Financial Planning LLC, located in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area. John engages clients in financial and tax planning, as well as preparing tax returns for individuals, corporations, partnerships, estates, and trusts. John is a CPA and a CFP® practitioner. He is a 1979 graduate of Villanova University with a BS in Accounting.

John is a member of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Financial Planning Association (FPA). Within the FPA, John has served as a board member of the Philadelphia Tri-State chapter and on its education and finance committees. John is an adjunct faculty member for the Temple University Certificate of Financial Planning Program. He is a frequent speaker and facilitator on tax and financial planning topics.

John has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal,, and He has written for the Journal of Financial Planning, and is a contributor to Retirement Weekly. John has also discussed financial and tax planning issues on various radio outlets.

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