Live Stream Nashville Account Fest: Fraud Case Studies: Schemes and Controls

431  |  Livestream  |  Basic  |  Scheduled


Fraud is prevalent - especially since COVID-19 relief packages passed by legislatures around the world opened the till. The overwhelming majority of fraud cases are never publicized. In this course we will build on our knowledge of why people commit fraud to dissect the schemes and discuss transactional controls to help stop fraud faster.


Number of Credits Type of Credits
4.00 Auditing

Designed For

CPAs in public practice and industry who wish to educate clients or colleagues further on how to better prevent fraud from occurring at the source - would-be fraudsters - as well as to seek means to improve anti-fraud controls


  • Recent fraud cases
  • Common fraud schemes perpetrated by those within and outside victim organizations
  • Consider the lessons learned
  • Best practices to further our fraud prevention


  • Consider the ways perpetrators evade both soft and hard controls
  • Identify teachable moments
  • Look for the common red flags that ought to draw our attention to a potential fraud scheme


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Joann N. Cross, Ph.D., CPA, CMA, CGFM, CGMA

Joann Noe Cross is an Emeritus Professor of Accounting at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. Her research interests are in accounting history and the uses of financial information.

Joann is a member of numerous professional and academic organizations. She is also active in her community, having served in the past as Treasurer of the local United Way and currently serving on the Board of several small charities. In addition, Dr. Cross presents numerous accounting and auditing seminars around the country, speaks at various conferences throughout the year, and maintains an active consulting practice. In 2015 and 2016, she received the Surgent Outstanding Discussion Leader Award because of her consistently high evaluations for knowledge and presentation skills.

Joann received her B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and her Ph.D. in Accountancy from the University of Illinois-Urbana.

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