Webcast: Kicking It Up a Notch With KPIs

172  |  Webcast  |  Basic  |  Scheduled


The adage, "what gets measured, gets managed," has never been more true than it is today. Organizations of all kinds and sizes are creating systems and processes to categorize, track and report on many of their operations by creating reports featuring key performance indicators (KPIs). This session will teach you about many different kinds of KPIs. Further, you will learn how to find data and use tools like Microsoft Excel and Power BI to measure performance. You will also identify the benefits and drawbacks of using KPIs in management philosophies like holacracy to make it easier for employees to know where they stand in real time.


Number of Credits Type of Credits
1.00 Computer Software & Applications

Designed For

Accounting and financial professionals who want to learn and utilize best practices for measuring business performance


Basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel


  • Types of KPIs
  • How to look for data in your existing systems
  • The basics of data prep tools
  • Tools for tracking and reporting on KPIs


Upon completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the correct definition for terms associated with key performance indicators from a list of options
  • Differentiate the benefits and limitations of using tools such as Excel, Power BI and Tableau for reporting KPIs
  • When presented with the name of an Excel or Power Query feature discussed in the session, select the definition that best describes the feature
  • List examples of KPIs that might be useful in many business environments


Member (Early Bird)
Non-Member (Early Bird)
Your Price: $79.00

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