Webcast: 8 Awesome PivotTable Features

212  |  Webcast  |  Intermediate  |  Scheduled


Are you looking to take your PivotTables to the next level? Many experts consider PivotTables to be Excel's most powerful feature. Yet, most who create and work with them barely scratch the surface of all PivotTables can do. In this session, you'll learn eight powerful features you may have missed. From user-defined calculations to consolidating reports and adding KPIs, we'll show you how to get the most out of your PivotTables. These are just some examples of the great things you can do with PivotTables, and in this session, you will learn these and other techniques to make your PivotTables even more powerful.


Number of Credits Type of Credits
2.00 Computer Software & Applications

Designed For

Business professionals seeking to improve their knowledge of Excel PivotTables


Working knowledge of PivotTables created using Microsoft Office Excel


  • Adding user-defined calculations to PivotTables
  • Enhancing PivotTables with key performance indicators
  • Using PivotTables to consolidate "standard" Excel reports
  • Creative ways to filter PivotTables
  • Linking accounting software data into PivotTables


  • Identify three types of user-defined calculations in PivotTables
  • List the steps necessary to add key performance indicators to PivotTables
  • Name at least two benefits of using PivotTables for data consolidation needs
  • Differentiate between Slicer and Timeline filters
  • Cite examples of potential benefits associated with linking data into PivotTable reports


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