Webcast: Effective Business Writing - Cut Your Writing Time in Half and Double Your Impact

255  |  Webcast  |  Intermediate  |  Scheduled


American businesses report losing $400 billion a year to unclear writing that wastes time, kills contracts and turns off customers. Optimize your time spent in communications as a writer and a reader. Prevent your readers from deleting your email or sending your document to the circular file because they are too much work to decipher. Write with clear purpose and enjoy the results and time saved.

Be part of the solution, not part of the problem - write it right the first time.


Number of Credits Type of Credits
2.00 Communications & Marketing

Designed For

All business professionals


Some business writing experience is helpful


Major Subjects:

  • Identify effective writing's key elements
  • Learn a simple, direct, effective business writing process
  • Edit your own and others' documents effectively


Learn how to cut your writing time in half and double your impact.


Member (Early Bird)
Non-Member (Early Bird)
Your Price: $109.00

This is your base price and does not reflect any additional session fees, optional add-ons, or guest registrations.

Members log in and save $30.00 on this event. Not a member? join today.


Jeanne Ballew

Jeanne M. Ballew, MA, was founder and president of Jeanne M. Ballew Training and Development, a company dedicated to honing employee communication skills. She also owned and operated Edit Prose, a company providing editing and book coaching services to both fiction and nonfiction writers. She trained over 25,000 people in areas such as business writing, assertive communication, presentation skills, listening skills, meeting facilitation and diversity.

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