Webcast: Defining Where and Why Internal Controls are Needed

386  |  Webcast  |  Basic  |  Scheduled


Most organizations have many of the basic controls required to operate in place. However, a notably percentage of these companies do not have important measures that can help enhance security, productivity and the quality of information available for decision making. In this session, we work to identify areas where important internal control measures are needed. We spend time explaining why these controls should be created and show, in detail, some specific controls that would be beneficial if utilized. Those wishing to strength an internal control system should consider this session strongly.


Number of Credits Type of Credits
2.00 Accounting

Designed For

Accounting and other business professionals that would benefit by understanding how to strengthen an internal control system


This session is taught via the use of case studies adapted from real world examples. The topics discussed in this session include:

  • Control design basics.
  • Areas or segments of an enterprise to control.
  • Controls to reduce risk.
  • Controls to drive operations.


Once participants have completed this session, they should be able to:

  • Recall reasons to create controls such as to reduce errors, thwart fraud or enhance efficiency;
  • Distinguish between proactively and reactively created measures, and
  • Identify control type segments such as administrative or operation level measures.


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Non-Member (Early Bird)
Your Price: $109.00

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Karl W. Egnatoff, CPA, CITP

Karl Egnatoff is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) currently living in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. He has worked as an information technology services provider, a trainer and a programmer related to financial and business technology projects since 1995. Prior to this, Karl worked in public accounting as well as in private sector accounting for a period of approximately six years. He has been teaching group live and web-based continuing education since 2006. In addition to being a CPA, he is also a Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP).

Karl is a member of the West Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the Information Technology Section of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He has also achieved a number of technology certifications including Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), Certified Software Engineer (CSE) and Certified Integration Developer (CID). During the course of his career, Mr. Egnatoff has owned and operated a number of successful businesses.

Karl graduated from Marshall University with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. During his time in college he participated in division I Cross County competing on the varsity squad. He was also on Marshall's Track team. Karl and his wife Lana live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and have been married since 1990. They have two grown sons, Jordan and Steven.

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