Meet TSCPA Chair: Kelly Crow, CPA

July 15, 2024

Meet TSCPA Chair

The accounting profession has been evolving at a rapid pace in recent years, but for Kelly Crow, CPA, making change in the profession has been a constant since she began her career. “I am a big believer in leaving things better than you found them,” she says. “When I came into accounting 16 years ago, things were very ‘old school.’ I saw an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in both this profession and at my firm.”

Crow’s drive and ambition have propelled her rise in her firm, Reynolds, Bone & Griesbeck (RBG), where she began her career as an intern in 2008. Upon graduating from Christian Brothers University, Crow joined the firm as one of the first full-time tax staff hires and was promoted to partner in 2021. In her work, Crow primarily focuses on compliance, consulting and planning for RBG’s Private Client Group, real estate and investment partnerships, auto dealerships, nonprofits, private foundations, and employee benefit plans. “The partners and managers in the firm developed me in so many ways,” she says. “There are too many people to name, but I am forever grateful that I landed at RBG.”

Crow also largely credits her involvement with TSCPA for her professional development. “I have had the privilege of working with some of the best leaders in our state,” she says. “Witnessing their courageous leadership challenged me to be better.” In her 11 years of society membership, Crow has served on many committees, held leadership positions in the Memphis Chapter, and served as a member of TSCPA Council and the TSCPA Board of Directors. As she begins her term as the 2024-25 TSCPA Board Chair, Crow says she is looking forward to visiting all of the chapters over the next year. “We have an incredible membership here in Tennessee,” she says.

Born and raised in the Memphis area, Crow says her real interest in accounting began during her freshman year of college. “I was a general business major, and financial accounting was a prerequisite course,” she says. “I had the privilege of walking into Dr. Claire Nash’s classroom. Dr. Nash was engaging, fun and an excellent teacher. I struggled at the beginning, and she encouraged me to keep at it.”

Citing Dr. Nash as her earliest influence in the profession, Crow is now embracing her own opportunity to influence the upcoming generation of CPAs. She says, “Our next generation is here. I love how they challenge the hours expectations, care about mental health, value family life and value doing work that matters. I foresee an incredibly bright future for accounting! It won’t look like the last 10-15 years, and I’m thrilled to be a small part of the change.”

Outside of work, Crow says she stays busy with her 3-year-old son, Hain. “My husband, Turner, and I spend our nights and weekends chasing him around,” she says. “We have a great group of friends with kids the same age. It has been fun to get together more often and let the kids run wild.” In her downtime, Crow and her family also enjoy traveling to the beach.

As she steps into her new role as 2024-25 TSCPA Board Chair, Crow shares the best advice she has ever received: “The grass is greener where you water it! I truly live by this saying. If something isn’t working, or it could be better, be the one to drive change. Anyone can be a critic, and many are! That’s easy. It takes grit, courage and commitment to do better, be better, and make better for those who will follow.” As the accounting profession is sure to continue to change in the years ahead, one thing is certain – Crow is well suited for the challenge.

This article was originally published in the July/August 2024 Tennessee CPA Journal.