IRS Proposes to Raise Fees for Enrolled Agents

March 7, 2022

The IRS recently posted proposed regulations to increase the enrollment and renewal user fees for enrolled agents.

The proposed regulations would affect individuals who are enrolled agents or apply to become enrolled agents and individuals who are already enrolled retirement plan agents. The enrollment and renewal user fees for enrolled agents would be increased to $140 from $67. The regulations would also increase the renewal user fee for enrolled retirement plan agents to $140 from $67.

Certain enrolled agent fees are already set to increase, as last week the IRS posted final regulations to increase the amount of the user fee for each part of the special enrollment examination for enrolled agents to $99 from $81, plus an amount payable to a third-party contractor.

The IRS stated that it is seeking more revenue to help address the backlog of millions of unprocessed tax returns from last year and the demands of the current tax season. The agency is asking for comments on the proposed regulations by May 11.