How to Determine Where Your Organization's Security Posture Stands

April 12, 2022

It can be hard to pinpoint whether your organization is sufficiently protected from threats in today's ever-changing business climate. So, how do you determine where your security posture stands for your organization?

Whether these risks are cybersecurity-related, vendor-related or individual-related, they all fall under the umbrella of your overall security posture. Therefore, read on to find out what security posture means and help you identify where yours stands.

What is security posture?
Security posture is a way to measure your company's overall security standing. It considers any security measures you may have in place and how well you protect things like data, networks and vendor risk management. Once you have determined where your security posture stands, you can see how effective your current security strategy is and adjust as necessary.

Why is security posture important?
One of the most significant benefits of knowing your company's security posture is having a clear idea of just how vulnerable your organization is to outside threats. This knowledge can help you prioritize your security to-do list and be more proactive in protecting against things like data breaches. In addition, as you begin to build your security posture, your organization will have a more robust handle on its information security to help you avoid becoming another statistic.

To help you gauge where your organization stands in its security posture, Secureframe has created this helpful infographic below, along with a flowchart that will help you determine whether your organization has a weak, average or strong security posture. Once you determine where your organization stands, you can begin to implement measures to bolster your overall security and prevent costly cyberattacks.

Security Posture