IRS Issues Invitation for Priority Guidance Plan Recommendations

April 26, 2022

The IRS recently issued Notice 2022-21, inviting the public to submit recommendations for items to be included in its Priority Guidance Plan for July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.

The Treasury Department's Office of Tax Policy and the IRS use the Priority Guidance Plan each year to identify and prioritize the tax issues that should be addressed through regulations, revenue rulings, revenue procedures, notices and other published administrative guidance.

Submitters should include a brief description of the suggested guidance along with its need and, if they wish, an analysis of how the issue should be solved. For recommendations to modify, streamline or withdraw existing regulations or other guidance, submissions should explain how the changes would reduce taxpayer cost and/or burden or benefit tax administration. Multiple recommendations should be grouped by subject matter and priority level.

The notice stated that in reviewing recommendations and selecting additional projects for inclusion in the 2022-2023 plan, the Treasury Department and the IRS will consider the following:

  • Whether the recommended guidance resolves significant issues relevant to a broad class of taxpayers;
  • Whether the recommended guidance reduces controversy and lessens the burden on taxpayers or the IRS;
  • Whether the recommended guidance relates to recently enacted legislation;
  • Whether the recommendation involves existing regulations or other guidance that is outdated, unnecessary, ineffective, insufficient or unnecessarily burdensome and that should be modified, streamlined, expanded, replaced, or withdrawn;
  • Whether the recommended guidance promotes sound tax administration;
  • Whether the IRS can administer the recommended guidance on a uniform basis; and
  • Whether the recommended guidance can be drafted in a manner that will enable taxpayers to easily understand and apply the guidance.

The IRS asks that members of the public recommending items to be included in the 2022-2023 plan submit them by June 3, 2022. Recommendations for guidance do not need to be submitted in any particular format, but the IRS suggests submitting via the Federal eRulemaking Portal at www.regulations.gov.