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Social Security Wage Base, COLA Set for 2023

October 13, 2022 The Social Security Administration recently announced that individual taxable earnings of up to $160,200 annually will be subject to the old age, survivors and disability insurance tax in 2023.

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IRS Issues Ruling on 10-Year RMD Rule

October 10, 2022 The IRS and Treasury Department recently issued Notice 2022-53, waiving the 50% penalty on missed 2021 and 2022 required minimum distributions for inherited retirement accounts within the 10-year payout rule.

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IRS Extends R&D Credit Claim Transition Period

September 30, 2022 The IRS recently announced it is extending for another year the transition period during which taxpayers are provided 45 days to perfect a research and development credit claim for refund prior to the IRS’ final determination on the claim.

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