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AICPA Issues New Standard on Group Audits

March 7, 2023 As part of its efforts to converge its standards with those of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, the AICPA Auditing Standards Board recently issued Statement on Auditing Standards No. 149, providing a risk-based approach to group audits.

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Final Changes to 2023 Forms 5500 Issued

February 23, 2023 Together with the U.S. Labor Department and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, the U.S. Treasury Department and the IRS recently released notices of final forms and instructions revisions regarding annual reporting of employee benefit plans.

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SEC Adopts Rule Changes To Reduce Risks, Proposes Other Changes

February 15, 2023 The SEC recently adopted rule changes to reduce the standard settlement cycle for most broker-dealer transactions in securities from two business days after the trade date to one to reduce risk. The Commission also proposed two other rule changes regarding the protection of advisory client assets and the Privacy Act.

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Quality Management Standards – The Clock Is Already Ticking

January 15, 2023 By now, you should be aware of the new Statement of Quality Management Standards (and related new audit and compilation and review standards) issued in June 2022. The July/August 2022 Tennessee CPA Journal included a good article that covered the requirements of these new standards. Every firm that performs attest work will be impacted by these changes.

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Accounting in 2023: The Year Ahead

January 15, 2023 If change is the only constant, then we understand the current dynamic economic environment will introduce challenges and opportunities. As a profession, we are learning how to better respond to the challenges and leverage the opportunities of the future. The discussion that follows provides some thoughts on some of the challenges and opportunities that are coming in 2023 and beyond.

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