The following are guidelines and best practices for participating in both TSCPA and private social networks. These guidelines will continue to be amended and revised on an ongoing basis as TSCPA’s use of social media evolves. The following guidelines apply to social media generated by TSCPA staff and designated association members, and apply to all TSCPA-related social media.
In these guidelines, "social media" refers to blogs, microblogs, podcasts, wikis, social networks including but not limited to ListServs, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and any additional social technologies.
Please check with TSCPA if you need further clarification on any of these guidelines.
Society Use of Social Media
Through the involvement of social media, TSCPA will keep members informed on professional issues, promote upcoming events, provide forums for members to connect, raise awareness of society programs and services and provide an additional avenue for members to provide feedback to TSCPA. This online sharing of ideas and exchange of information is intended to position TSCPA as a source of authoritative information on, or related to, the CPA profession.
Official TSCPA social networking sites include:
o TSCPA Facebook Page
o TSCPA YouTube Channel
o TSCPA’s Twitter
o TSCPA’s LinkedIn Company Page
o TSCPA Instagram
TSCPA moderates comments on all of our official social media pages. If posted comments are offensive or out of context, it will be deleted. Removal of such information will not require permission or advanced warning. All other sites are not sanctioned by TSCPA and will not be monitored for content.
TSCPA accepts no responsibility for the opinions and information of others. TSCPA makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on social media channels and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information.
Member Use of Social Media
Online communities are very powerful reputation builders for both individuals and companies. If you engage in TSCPA’s online community, you become part of TSCPA’s reputation. Before posting or commenting on any source of TSCPA social media, please refer to this document, continue to follow the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct, and the laws and regulations governing Tennessee CPAs at all times. Also, please familiarize yourself with policies of each social media website.
o Only authorized association members and employees can create an official TSCPA social media platform. If you have a need for creating an official TSCPA site through LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or another social media platform, you must obtain permission from the TSCPA. Authorized social media administrators are responsible for ensuring all information on TSCPA social media channels complies with TSCPA’s formal policies. TSCPA will monitor all social media outlets to align messages, appropriately coordinate communications, aggregate information, and minimize redundancies within social media channels.
o Only authorized association members and employees should provide information to the media. If contacted by the media about your post or another post made by anyone else to an TSCPA social media outlet, or regarding TSCPA official policies or positions, immediately forward the inquiry to TSCPA at
o Accept full responsibility for any content you publish to a TSCPA social media site. If you publish content related to TSCPA on any non-TSCPA site, identify yourself and use a disclaimer such as, "The views in this post are my own and not necessarily those of TSCPA."By posting content on a TSCPA social media site, you agree to be solely responsible for the content of all information you contribute, link to, or otherwise upload to the web site and release TSCPA from any liability related to your use of the web site.Strive to add value by providing worthwhile information and perspectives, as content contained on TSCPA social media sites will be a reflection of the TSCPA brand.
o Do not post commercial messages regarding your company, including its products and/or services. TSCPA’s social media channels are not intended to be used for marketing purposes. TSCPA staff and/or authorized social media administrators will delete any commercial content, if posted. Only TSCPA, and Educational and Memorial Foundation sponsored CPE courses may be promoted.
o Protect yourself and others. Do not post any personal, sensitive, confidential or proprietary information about TSCPA, its members, vendors, staff or any state CPA society. TSCPA social media sites are public sites, and all information posted to the sites are available to view by the general public. Respect copyright, fair use, financial disclosure and anti-trust laws.Be respectful of the audience and don’t use obscenities, personal insults, ethnic slurs or other disparaging language to express yourself.
o Always identify yourself. Use your real name - do not post anonymously or use pseudonyms. Identifying yourself will not only give yourself credibility, but will also help others know who to contact if they need further assistance with whatever conversation you’re discussing online.
o Recognize that everything you write or receive on a social media site is public. Anyone can access your activity on social media sites. And regardless of how careful you are in trying to keep them separate, in your online activity, your professional life and your personal life overlap. Use the highest level of privacy tools available to control access to your personal activity when appropriate, but don't let that make you complacent. It's just not that hard for someone to hack those tools and make public what you thought was private.
TSCPA Employee Use of Social Media
While the decision whether to participate is their own, TSCPA employees are encouraged to explore all forms of social media and find the one(s) that best fit their needs. Doing so expands our ability to learn and share our own knowledge with others.
Social media can be a very powerful reputation builder for both individuals and companies. If you engage in social media and reference your position at TSCPA, you become part of TSCPA’s reputation. The following social technology guidelines apply to TSCPA staff who include their TSCPA affiliation in any online profile.
- Be authentic. Use your real name - do not post anonymously or use pseudonyms. Social media is about having dialogue and relationships.
- Recognize that everything you write or receive on a social media site is public. Anyone can access your activity on social media sites. And regardless of how careful you are in trying to keep them separate, in your online activity, your professional life and your personal life overlap. Use the highest level of privacy tools available to control access to your personal activity when appropriate, but don't let that make you complacent. It's just not that hard for someone to hack those tools and make public what you thought was private.
- Do not post any personal, sensitive, confidential or proprietary information about TSCPA, its members, vendors, staff or any state CPA society.
Follow all privacy policies with regard to member information and sharing competitive information. If you wouldn’t announce it over a loudspeaker in front of 100,000 people, don’t put it online. - Contribute to the knowledge pool. Whenever possible, post content that adds value to your social friends and followers.
- Use your best judgment. If you aren't sure whether what you are about to post is appropriate, review it carefully and question what you've written with an objective mind. If you are still unsure, ask a TSCPA manager for his or her opinion.
- Do not discuss other TSCPA employees, members, vendors or other partners without their approval. Keep in mind this goes for positive comments, as well as negative. Some people might not want you mentioning them online, even if it’s in a positive light.
- Be nice. Don't use insults, obscenity, racial slurs or ethnic slurs. You should conduct yourself in social media forums with an eye to how your behavior or comments might appear if you were called upon to defend them. In other words, don't behave any differently online than you would in any other public setting. Be respectful when addressing sensitive subjects like religion and politics.
- Respect copyrights and fair use standards. Always give credit for someone else’s work, and make sure you have the right to use it.
- Own up to your mistakes. If you have made an error, say so - but do not alter the original text of the incorrect post. Instead, add an update in which you explain and correct the error.
- Remember who you work for. Don't let social media activities interfere with your duties at TSCPA and your commitment to members.
- Employees should continue to follow the guidelines on employee conduct found in the TSCPA Employee Handbook.