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SEC Adopts Recordkeeping Rule Amendments

October 12, 2022 The Securities and Exchange Commission recently adopted amendments to the electronic recordkeeping, prompt production of records and third-party recordkeeping service requirements applicable to broker-dealers, security-based swap dealers, and major security-based swap participants.

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IRS Issues Ruling on 10-Year RMD Rule

October 10, 2022 The IRS and Treasury Department recently issued Notice 2022-53, waiving the 50% penalty on missed 2021 and 2022 required minimum distributions for inherited retirement accounts within the 10-year payout rule.

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5 Payment Process Improvements

October 7, 2022 Customer and client convenience demands more online payment methods. Consequently, we thought it was essential to understand these five payment process improvements.

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FASB Seeks Input on Segment Reporting Proposal

October 6, 2022 The Financial Accounting Standards Board recently issued a proposed Accounting Standards Update intended to improve the disclosures about a public entity’s reportable segments and address requests from investors and other allocators of capital for additional, more detailed information about a reportable segment’s expenses.

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IRS Extends R&D Credit Claim Transition Period

September 30, 2022 The IRS recently announced it is extending for another year the transition period during which taxpayers are provided 45 days to perfect a research and development credit claim for refund prior to the IRS’ final determination on the claim.

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