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Single Audit Relief Granted to Certain Governments with Treasury COVID-19 Funding

April 14, 2022 The AICPA Governmental Audit Quality Center recently issued GAQC Alert No. 439, stating that relief from single audit requirements has been granted for some small governments that have not previously been required to undergo a single audit but would have needed one due to receiving U.S. Treasury Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program funding.

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Tennessee Department of Revenue Issues Update to Alcohol Tax

April 8, 2022 The Tennessee Department of Revenue recently issued Important Notice #22-02, eliminating the requirement that every distiller, rectifier, vintner and importer selling distilled spirits or wine to licensed wholesalers send the Department duplicate sales invoices.

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TSCPA's Carolyn Lynn to Retire

April 6, 2022 After 31 years, the welcoming voice of TSCPA’s receptionist is hanging up the phone. Carolyn Lynn, TSCPA’s Customer Service Associate, retires at the end of April. Hear from her as she reflects on her years at TSCPA.

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