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Bonus Depreciation Safe Harbor Rules for Vehicles Issued by IRS

February 13, 2019 The IRS recently provided a safe harbor method to determine depreciation deductions for passenger automobiles that qualify for the 100 percent additional first-year depreciation deduction and that are subject to the depreciation limitations for passenger automobiles under Sec. 280F (Rev. Proc. 2019-13).

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IRS Waives 2018 Tax Penalty for Many Taxpayers

January 16, 2019 The IRS announced recently that it is waiving the estimated tax penalty for many taxpayers whose 2018 federal income tax withholding and estimated tax payments fell short of their total tax liability for the year.

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Reverse Mentoring: Coaching the Boss?

December 19, 2018 It is undeniable that times have changed. As a way to create value and to bridge the generational gaps within an organization, the idea of spinning the conventional mentor-mentee roles just makes sense.

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