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2018–2019 Per-Diem Rates Issued by IRS

October 1, 2018 The IRS has issued the 2018–2019 special per-diem rates, including the transportation industry meal and incidental expenses rates, the rate for the incidental-expenses-only deduction, and the rates and list of high-cost localities for purposes of the high-low substantiation method.

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Development 101: Young Professionals Edition

September 10, 2018 As young professionals, many of us have set goals for ourselves and are looking for ways to grow both personally and professionally. The goal setting itself is easy, but the difficult part is putting the goals in motion.

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“Being” Involved in College

May 21, 2018 In high school, every student is told they need to get involved. Teachers emphasize that admissions look for involvement on college applications, and then once in college, professors tell you employers look for campus involvement when hiring.

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Internships: Getting Ahead in the World of Business

May 2, 2018 At the age of 15, most teens are not concerned with working. Thoughts of lounging by the pool or hanging with friends at the mall are more along the lines of what normal high school students think about on summer breaks. In April, those thoughts preoccupied my mind as well, until I received an unexpected offer.

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