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TSCPA State Tax Committee Liaison Meeting Report – Dec. 6, 2023

January 15, 2024 TSCPA’s State Tax Committee met with representatives from the Tennessee Department of Revenue (TDOR) and the Secretary of State’s office and received a legislative update from Senator Kerry Roberts. The committee meets semi-annually with various state departments to discuss state tax issues and other topics of importance to Tennessee CPAs.

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What To Fear in the Age of AI

January 15, 2024 Some financial professionals live in fear. After all, we live in the age of technology that’s more advanced than most humans before the turn of the 21st century ever could have imagined.

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CPA Talent Strategy Series: The Future of the Profession

January 15, 2024 In the November/December issue of the Tennessee CPA Journal, we examined many of the issues behind the declining number of students choosing to major in accounting. Now, we’re addressing another piece of the puzzle: how burnout and the emotional, physical and mental toll of the dwindling number of CPAs are affecting the profession.

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The Vanishing Art of Communication

January 15, 2024 When I was growing up, I was always getting in trouble for talking in class or being too “chatty.” My nickname was “blabbermouth,” and my two brothers called me “Chatty Cathy,” similar to a doll I had that spoke when you squeezed its arms together.

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